Friday, January 7, 2011

The A Bar Chord - Part 2

Just like with the E bar chord shape, get into the habit of fingering the chord with your middle, ring and pinkie finger, even when playing the open A. Also just like the E chord shape, you can identify the name of the chord depending on which note your index finger is fretting, only this time on the A string. The progression is the same as the E string, only this time starting with A as follows:


Remember, the A and E bar chord shapes are just two of the many, many ways to play these major chords. There are a ton of chord library websites out there that come in really handy.

Sorry I had to split this post up into two sections, but I am writing on the road, and having trouble getting my iPhone browser to work well with Blogger.

Until next time, keep rocking and most of all, have fun!!


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